Coastal Works carried out by Arun District Council on the Middleton on Sea sea defences and foreshore.
Listed below is the coastal works carried out Arun District Council. MOSA would like to acknowledge the support and help given to us by ADC and Cllr. Barbara Oakley, who over the years have protected our defences and foreshore. Also for involving us and keeping us updated.
Groyne 155, adjacent to Old Point, was been subjected to heavy loading resulting in the driven members separating from the structure. Emergency repairs were carried out in order to underpin the groyne.
A phase of enhanced repair and maintenance was carried out installing 12m³ of tropical hardwood. The works were completed in order to remove the softwood counterparts that had begun to fail. Ad-hoc sea-wall repairs were also carried out including the reinstatement of the fatiguing expansion joints.
General repair and maintenance including filling, placing and covering of geotextile shingle containers. The geotextile containers have been used as an alternative to gabion baskets which have been observed as leaving sharp debris when failing.
General repairs and maintenance to the timber groyne field adjacent to Sea Way. A repair was carried out to a small portion of the Old Point seawall cover slab to eliminate the possibility of an increase in lateral earth pressure.
Following successive storm action the metal piles that retain the head of groyne 155 broke free. The piles were re-seated and the groyne rebuilt accordingly.
Extensive softwood repairs to the timber groynes and breastwork. The wall that retains the access steps to Old Point failed requiring Arun District Council to cast a new section in-situ.
Patch repair plates welded onto the sheet pile toe in order to reduce the likelihood of undermining of the sea wall.
2011 General Maintenance and repair
Filling hole in Greensward, installing horizontal baffle planks, plug gap between concrete and planking. (This was major work funded and carried out by Arun District, with a contribution from MOSA)
Exploratory works leading to excavation and re-planking of breastwork and installation of four new anchor piles and associated tie rods.
General repair and maintenance.
Removal of potential hazards in the face of the main wall (steel reinforcement protruding and exposed edges of steel sheet piling).
General repair and maintenance.
Repairs to the timber breastwork.
Excavated the outfall at Sea Lane and installed rock armour around it. Additional emergency works were carried out following the installation changing the rock face profile. Funded by Arun District Council and the Environment Agency.
A rock toe was added in front of the final piece of breastwork completing the defence.
A rock toe was added to the breastwork in to enhance the level of protection the defences offered.
General repair and maintenance.
General repair and maintenance.
43 – Step repairs at Middleton Point at groynes 156, 157,158 and 158a